Collect School Fee Online Online System to collect school fee in Dehradun.
Widest Payment Methods
Parent will have the option to pay fee using any of the payment methods; credit card, debit card and internet banking as their preferred payment mode.
Reduce Delays
Reduce delay in fees collection by providing anytime anywhere fees payment facility to the parents.
Parent pay the Transaction Charges
Trasaction charges on each fee payment will be paid by parents and not by school. We negotiate and arrange the minumum charges to be paid with payment gateway.
Scheduled Reminders
Send fees SMS or email alerts to only those parents who have not paid the due fees.
Send Fee bills
Send fee bill PDFs to students for them to review before they pay the fee.
Real-time Reporting
Get access to real-time reports student wise, fee wise, duration wise, fee type wise, due wise, paid wise.
Online Receipt
Parent will get instant receipt of the fee paid. A copy of the same receipt will be available with the school also.
Upload fee in excel format
School create and upload the fee in excel format for selected or all students
Get fee in school account
Get successful fee payments in school account in Transaction + 2 days.
Part-payment option
Parent trying to pay using their debit card or credit card sometimes have upper limit for transactions. With this feature they can pay full fill in multiple attempts.
COLLECT registration/admission fee and form online
Online Admission System for the new students and automates the entire form filling and form fee payment process online in the schools
Open registration / admission for selected class
School can open new registration / admissions for selected classes where there are seats available.
Choose required documents
School can choose upto any 4 documents to be uploaded by parent. Student photo is required in all cases.
Choose Registration / Admission Fee
School can choose the fee that is to be paid for successful registration / admission of their ward.
Widest Payment Methods
Parent will have the option to pay fee using any of the payment methods; credit card, debit card and internet banking as their preferred payment mode.
Auto PDF conversion
Form filled by the parents will automatically be converted in PDF format and mailed to the parent and school with all the required documents uploaded by the parent during registration / admission process.